I am incredibly confused as to which subject area i should choose to go into. Throughout these past eight weeks i feel that not only my style of work has changed but also my style of working has as well. These changed most dramatically in my first two weeks of rotations, vis com, where i was forced to work to a strict deadline, think fast, and depict every idea that came to me, which was very different from my experiences at A Level. I'm unsure if this change was a result of this particular rotation or of the course in general but i like it as it makes me feel more capable of producing work. After the initial shock of the first few days i found i enjoyed being out of my element in vis com, and the work i was producing was new and different. for these reason i am considering going into the area of visual communication.
After completing the 3D spacial rotation i realised that although i enjoy creating 3D physical things i didn't enjoy these two weeks as much as i expected i would have. At A Level most of my work had 3D elements to it, which was why i was surprised to not find the rotation very interesting, however this could of been due to the project we were given or that my style has changed in this short time. I also felt that the work i produced didn't really interest me.
In contrast i enjoyed week 5 and 6 in fashion and textiles, and i have always been interested in these areas. However i am unsure if i would be good at doing it in part two of the course as although there was a very free feeling about the briefs i often felt like i had no direction while working which was very disconcerting. But out of the three areas that started with still life drawing, fashion and textiles was the only one that i enjoyed it in and liked what i produced.
Even thought i found the lack of direction in Fashion and Textiles a hindrance in Fine Art strangely i liked it, i felt the freedom actually led me to create something interesting and different from my usual work and something that i actually liked.
However even though there was little direction being given the word carnival was very mentally stimulating, helping me to comprehend what the tutors were expecting of us.
The reason for my main uncertainty is that i feel i don't have one particular strength, that is why i find it often important for a second, subjective opinion. At the start of the course i was very apprehensive about crit days but i have come to find them very useful, as it is always helpful to have other peoples opinions and suggestion, because sometimes you just hit a brick wall with your work and you have no idea how to progress, but getting back the feedback on these days helps tremendously. As everyone has different opinions and a different insight into your work it often makes for an interesting crit.