Monday, 1 November 2010

3D Spatial

A photo of the instillation we created on our first day of 3D spacial, we worked in a group which was challenging at first as everyone had there own ideas of how they wanted it to turn out, but in the end we all agreed and it communicated the theme of places we were all from well.  we used strings in various colours to identify each person and the length of string to indicate the distance traveled from home to London.

After we had to draw our instillation, which i didn't really enjoy, having to draw string isn't really my idea of fun, and i wasn't very pleased with my drawings, but later we got to go outside and draw buildings which are a lot more stimulation, which i think showed in my work.

For friday we were told to bring in a whole load of different materials for example, electrical tape, pins, disposables and card which are all featured in the image above of one of my made objects; this was in the early stages when i was playing around with the materials and trying to make interesting things, it kinda reminded me of a dinosaur which i liked. 

We had to replicate one of our made objects and i think i chose the easiest one i made to replicate.
By adding the pins to the top corner i felt it resembled suit cuffs.Although it was a fairly easy design i think multiples of it look quite effective

These are two of my made objest, the one above is a walkway and the one on the left is something to sit on,  for both of these i used the same original design which i multiplied and fitted together, this original structure was made out of card and electrical tape which was folded many times.  i liked this overall effect especially the simplistic colour scheme.  i found that working to create something with my hands gave me a sense of achievement.

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