Monday, 21 March 2011

Fairy Tales and Folklore

One of the places i started my research was within the area of fairytales and folklore, in particular the Brothers Grimm tales as they originate from folklore and are timeless and even though they were officially documented in the 1800's they are still in use today.  Another source i drew inspiration from was Bruno Bettelheim's book The Uses of Enchantment, the meaning and importance of fairytales.  Fairytales such as the Brothers Grimm are quite controversial, modern parents perceive them as to dark for children,  however it is documented in Bettelheim's book that they are beneficial to a child's development.

I visited Kensington Palace as they had put on an exhibition called the Enchanted Palace documenting the lives of the princesses who have lived there but put into the context of fairytales.  it was a very visually appealing display combining fashion, storytelling, sculpture, and video.  unfortunately you weren't able to take photographs in the palace!

I think fairytales are important as they tell the child about perceiving dangers thus they tie in with my brief as it is on this knowledge as a child that we first start to develop fears.  Most fairytales work as cautionary tales for example a child could take from snow white and little red cap the dangers of talking to strangers.

Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth is an example of the use of fairy tales in a modern setting,  the film is described as being a fairytale for adults and personally i think it is quite a dark fantasy.  As an young adult i find it quite a disturbing film,  this could come from the fact that it conjures memories of when i was younger and similar fantastical fears i had or the creatures depicted in the film that are so creepy and are classic nightmare fiends.  del Toro said that the inspiration for the film came from a lucid dream he had as a child.  For this reason i think the film is so effective, by using personal experience rather that generic influences.

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